Superior Stretch Bands for dancers and ballerinas

Exercise Essentials to Condition Every Dancer for High-Level Performance

Superior Stretch products help dancers stay fit and properly conditioned for every rehearsal, performance, or training session. This wide range of high-quality products focuses on three fundamental aspects to help you achieve your most optimal form: 


Proper stretching and strength conditioning are the keys to improving dance technique, flexibility, range of motion, endurance, and injury resistance. Our excellent bands and straps can help train your body to do even the most complicated moves.


This fitness component is essential for rapid, complex, and precise full-body motions while always maintaining proper technique, line, and fluidity. The Balance Board and SpinBoard® can develop core strength as well as ensure proper arm and leg positioning.


Allow your body time to relax and heal properly with our unique and effective products like BalleTape™ and Spiky Massage Balls.

10 products

10 products