2022 Dancer Horoscopes

2022 Dancer Horoscopes

Dancers of the Zodiac

Your 2022 Dancer Horoscopes are here! Do you think your dance style and personality is influenced by your zodiac sign? Check out our predictions for this year and let us know if you can relate in the comments.

Aries: You live a fast paced and spontaneous life, always running from one rehearsal to the next. 2022 is the year you will show the dance world you’re a force to be reckoned with. Your dance life is about to heat up like the fiery sign you are! This year will bring many opportunities to improve your technique by challenging yourself in the studio. Keep up that strong passion for dance, Aries!

Taurus: You enjoy spending hours at the dance studio, both taking classes and socializing with your ballet besties. This is a year of growth and achieving your goals, Taurus! 2022 will bring you more energy, enthusiasm and confidence in your dance abilities. As long as you stay focused in your technique classes and continue working hard, you will learn new skills and reach the stars!

Gemini: Geminis love to perform and are always eager to learn new choreography. You can’t wait to take the stage again during competition and recital season! This will be a big year of change and growth for you. Keep pushing through those long rehearsals and you will see great improvement in your dance life!

Cancer: You are a beautiful and elegant dancer! Because you are an emotional sign, your favorite dance style is most likely lyrical or contemporary. You enjoy going to the dance studio every day to spend time with your friends and favorite teachers. This year, prioritize those relationships, but also focus on self-care… we think a post-rehearsal spa night is just what you need, Cancer!

Leo: You’ve always been the center of attention and that’s not changing this year! Your favorite part of dance is performing, but you’re also very ambitious in class and always willing to try new skills. This year, all of your hard work and fun-loving personality will pay off, and you will be placed in a leadership role. Whether you’re a dance teacher’s assistant, dance team captain, or simply a good role model to your friends, we know you can shine AND have fun while doing it!

Virgo: You are an incredibly driven and level headed dancer. You’re always the first one at the studio and the last one in class, but you never brag about your abilities to others. You’re also the most organized dancer! Your bag is filled with first aid kits, snacks and more and you’re always willing to share with your friends. Keep it up, Virgo!

Libra: Your favorite part of dance has always been performing: the costumes, fun hairstyles, sparkly makeup and more. But this year, you’re ready to focus on the more serious elements. In 2022, you will face your fears and try new dance styles and skills. Set goals for yourself and you will receive all of the success you deserve, Libra!

Scorpio: You are a confident and motivated dancer and always give your all during rehearsals. Your favorite dance moves are hard hitting and powerful, so you probably thrive in hip hop and jazz funk classes. This year, you should prioritize working on your goals and growing as a dancer. Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself, Scorpio… improvement takes time!

Sagittarius: In past years, you’ve prioritized the performance elements of dance. You love being on stage, but this year you’ll find more enjoyment in focusing on your technique. You want to take more master classes and learn new skills from new teachers. After reassessing your goals for 2022, you will rediscover and strengthen your passion for dance!

Capricorn: New year, new Capricorn… 2022 is all about new dance experiences for you! If something hasn’t been working in the past, this is the time to make a change! Whether you want to switch to a new studio, take different classes, or meet new friends, we know this year will only bring success. Always remember how strong and disciplined you are!

Aquarius: You’ve always been attracted to how artistic dance is. You live for loud music, crazy costumes, and funky moves! 2022 will bring challenges for you, Aquarius, but don’t lose sight of your free spirit. Keep up your intense passion for dance and performing arts and you will be a star!

Pisces: You’ve always been classified as an introvert and are a great team player when learning new routines. But people don’t know one thing about you… how much time you spend daydreaming about being the star of the show! This is the year to show everyone how serious and tough you are, Pisces! Stay optimistic and work hard in class, and you will reach all of your dance goals this year. 

Was this accurate for your sign? Let us know in the comments below!